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Artificial Intelligence
Dam Removal
Dams & Weirs
Fish Ecology
Fish Habitat
Fish Migration
Fish Passage
Fish Relocation
Fish Salvage
Fish Surgery
Fish Tracking
Species at Risk
Underwater Monitoring
  • fish abdominal discolouration
    Exposure to a Common Urban Pollutant
    In this study we exposed creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus), a widespread tolerant stream minnow, to various realistic concentrations...
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  • Videographic Surveys Saugeen River
    Biotactic has been performing videographic surveys of fish passage at the Maple Hill dam fishway as well as...
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  • Spring 2024 Radiotelemetry
    Fish sponsored by the public (Kollen family, Lake Huron Fishing Club, Steeldreams, Bruce Power LP) will be tracked...
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  • Silver Shiner Size-Class Structure, Habitat Utilization, Movement and Persistence in an Urbanized Fragment of a Great Lakes Tributary
    Silver Shiners were captured and habitat was characterized from 38 locations in the Grand River during the summer...
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  • Restoring Walleye Migration in the Shebeshekong River
    In 2017 we restored migration routes for Walleye at a set of rapids and a waterfall that had...
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  • Black Redhorse Habitat Preferences
    We have been working in conjunction with Fisheries and Oceans Canada to study egg development, early life history
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  • Hydro-Electric Turbine Impact Evaluation
    Smolts require access to the fishway (i.e., the fishway must be open and operational) during their downstream migration....
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  • Rainbow Trout Migration Patterns in the Saugeen River Watershed
    The Truax Dam was removed in August 2019. Future post-removal phases of this study will provide data that...
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  • Dam Effects on Benthic Fishes
    The biology, microhabitat use and migratory behaviour of greenside darters (Etheostoma blennioides) was studied at the Mannheim Weir
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  • Fisheries Offsets and Compensation- Bruce Power
    Biotactic devised and developed a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) study for the Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station to offset and...
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  • Fish fence and monitoring system install
    Arctic Char in Hope Bay
    In July 2021 and 2022, Biotactic staff travelled to Hope Bay, Nunavut to build fish fences equipped with...
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  • Dunnville Fishway Walleye Passage
    A Denil fishway in Dunnville, Ontario was built to provide upstream passage for walleye Stizostedion vitreum from Lake...
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