Restoring Walleye Migration in the Shebeshekong River

In 2017 Biotactic was contracted by Bruce Power to restore migration routes for walleye at a set of rapids (Dillon) and a waterfall (Young's) that had been damaged by historic logging operations in the Shebeshekong River which is a tributary to Georgian Bay in Lake Huron. Biotactic consulted on the design of the two channels and in association with the Eastern Georgian Bay Stewardship Council helped in their construction (October) and the monitoring of their effectiveness. The following spring, walleye were observed during night surveys passing through the modified channel through the rapids. Many fish species were captured on underwater cameras passing both upstream and downstream within the newly created bypass channel at the waterfall.

channel fish passage barrier
dexpan river channel
Before and during restoration at Dillon's rapids
nonfunctioning fish bypass channel
reconstructed fish bypass channel
fish bypass channel construction
remediated fish bypass channel
Before, during and after restoration of a bypass channel at Young's waterfall