Biotactic is an internationally active scientific research and consulting company specializing in fish monitoring, fish passage and species at risk. Founded in 1998, we have extensive experience creating and developing innovative solutions and strategies for fisheries research and conservation.

We started using underwater videography for fish research back in 1989 and in 2005 we began building BRAVO, which is an internet-linked network of self-cleaning underwater cameras with AI processing designed to monitor, identify and count fish. It is also used to collect data for long-term archival datasets. We also design, build and supply both internet-linked and mobile fish monitoring and fish counting systems to clients world-wide.
Featured Projects
Videographic Surveys Saugeen River
Port Hope Area Initiative Fish Rescue
Canadian Diamond Mine Environmental Study
Seasonal Changes in Movement and Habitat of Largemouth Bass
Effects of Increased Silt Load
Blue Sucker Tracking
Biotactic Research Artificial Intelligence Network is our deep learning artificial intelligence system that can accurately count fish, track their movement and score upstream versus downstream and true versus false passage at, for example, dams and fish fences. The BRAIN provides valuable near real-time counts and can perform in a variety of environments. Learn more about our new data analysis service.