Black Redhorse Ontogeny

Adult Black Redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei), were seined from the Grand River, Ontario and artificially spawned in May 2007 and May 2008. Eggs hatched after 9-16 days at a mean temperature of 20° C, and after 11 – 25 days at a mean temperature of 17° C.

Greater Redhorse Ecology

In 1997, we began studying greater redhorse (Moxostoma valenciennesi) spawning habitat, spawning behaviour, fecundity, egg and larval development, as well as post-spawn movements and habitat use. We continued this work into 2006 with a 6-year radiotracking and underwater videography study of redhorse in the Grand River.

BRAVO Underwater Videography

BRAVO Network Biotactic Research And Videography ObservatoriesWe began using underwater videography to monitor fish back in 1989 and things have changed a lot since then. Using our invaluable experience, we now design, build and supply cabled underwater fish and wildlife monitoring and counting systems that are ideal for monitoring fishways (for example see Node 10) and any other artificial or …

Brown Trout in the Kananaskis River

We used radio-telemetry to investigate detailed movement and summer habitat of brown trout Salmo trutta (size range 157 – 488 mm TL, n = 18) in the Kananaskis River, Alberta. Flows in the Kananaskis River respond to pulsed daily discharge from an upstream hydroelectric generating facility (range 0.15 – 25 m3.s-1). Wetted area available for brown trout doubled during periods of high flow. Fluctuating river levels did not appear to influence the degree to which brown trout moved within the study site. However, there was evidence that brown trout used cover and pools more as discharge increased.