Steeldreams Sponsored Fish Spring 2024

Vanderchad *

Radiotag Code: 6

Floy Tag Code: 2494

Fish 6 Spring 2024 Radiotelemetry

Vital Statistics:

Sex: Male

Origin: Hatchery

Length (mm): 615

Weight (g): 2523

Girth (mm): 340

Condition: 1.085

Tagged: 3:04pm April 22

Detected downstream of Denny's Dam from 05:55 April 27 to 09:48 April 28. Ascended the fishway in 1hr 30mins and left upstream of the dam at 11:18 April 28. Detected upstream from the dam on May 5 for 6mins. Detected aerial tracking May 30 11.68km upstream of Denny's Dam
Ronrob *

Radiotag Code: 7

Floy Tag Code: 2495


Vital Statistics:

Sex: Female

Origin: Hatchery

Length (mm): 476

Weight (g): 1134

Girth (mm): 240

Condition: 1.051

Tagged: 3:08pm April 22

Detected downstream of Denny's Dam at 17:32 April 22 and from 07:10 April 25 to 21:18 April 26. Tracked at -4.13rkm in Southampton Harbour April 27 for 4mins. Moved back upstream May 5 and entered the downstream portion of the fishway for 1min three separate times before ascending the fishway and passing upstream. Passed upstream through the fishway in 2hrs 38mins. Tracked passing back downstream at Denny's Dam for 20hrs 1min May 17 to 18 and travelled downstream to Southampton Harbour -4.13rkm May 18

Radiotag Code: 8

Floy Tag Code: 2496

Fish 8 Spring 2024 Radiotelemetry

Vital Statistics:

Sex: Female

Origin: Hatchery

Length (mm): 645

Weight (g): 2778

Girth (mm): 330

Condition: 1.035

Tagged: 3:12pm April 22

Detected downstream of Denny's Dam at 18:50 April 29, from 06:20 May 1 to 09:03 May 2 and at 05:51 May 5. Entered the downstream end of the fishway for 15mins and 1min May 1. Tracked in Southampton Harbour May 14 and at -1.9 rkm May 16
Konald *

Radiotag Code: 9

Floy Tag Code: 2497

Fish 9 Spring 2024 Radiotelemetry

Vital Statistics:

Sex: Male

Origin: Hatchery

Length (mm): 446

Weight (g): 850

Girth (mm): 230

Condition: 0.958

Tagged: 3:18pm April 22

Detected downstream from Denny's Dam from 18:27 April 22 to 13:33 April 24 and from 05:20 April 26 to 16:41 May 5. Entered the downstream end of the fishway for 1min April 26 and for 2mins May 2 before ascending the fishway May 5. Passed upstream through the fishway in 1hr. Travelled upstream to Walkerton in 66hrs 33mins. Detected downstream of the Truax Dam footprint from 12:14 May 8 to 03:20 May 9. Detected returning downstream at Denny's Dam for 6hrs 27mins May 28 to 29