Seasonal Changes in Movement and Habitat Utilization of Largemouth Bass in Lake Eugenia

We conducted a 2 year telemetry project in Lake Eugenia to assess the effects of invasive species, water-level fluctuations and other environmental factors on habitat quality and recruitment of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides). The main objective of this study was to provide valuable baseline data, which are essential for monitoring and tracking changes in the lake. This will facilitate comparisons and assessments of future restoration and conservation initiatives and to measure potential environmental impacts. Thirty Largemouth Bass were caught with boat electro-fishing and angling. Fish movements were tracked using mobile telemetry receivers from 2015-2017 and data collected includes observations of habitat utilization during over-wintering, spawning, and the post-spawning period. Our aim was also to incorporate project outreach and education, involving volunteers to assist with field-work, particularly students and young professionals in the field of environmental biology, as well as local residents.
Watch our YouTube video describing this project:

Watch the news coverage of this project:

  • large mouth bass
  • large mouth bass
lake eugenia quadrat map
Grid map of Lake Eugenia showing the numbered quadrats (200 m x 200 m) for the radio telemetry tracking locations
lake eugenia tagging data
* Original Code 22 Harvested

Vital statistics of fish captured and implanted with radio transmitters in 2015 and 2016, Lake Eugenia