Public Participation Opportunity
Radiotelemetry of Steelhead in the Saugeen River
Radiotelemetry of Steelhead in the Saugeen River
Please check back June 2024 for the next opportunity
Biotactic, with funding from Bruce Power LP, has radiotagged and tracked over 425 Steelhead/Rainbow Trout since the Truax Dam removal project started in spring 2018. The information collected up until 2023 continues to provide valuable insight into fish behaviour and movement patterns, as well as inter-annual and inter-seasonal differences between spring and fall-run fish including differences in their timing and ability to pass Denny's, Truax [footprint], Carrick and Maple Hill Dams. Fish have been tracked as they swam from Southampton to Walkerton in as little as two days and recaptures have been reported from as far away as Milwaukee Wisconsin!
To help keep this component of the project going we need your assistance. With a $250 donation (the cost of 1 radio-transmitter; smaller donations also welcomed!) you can personally name a radiotagged fish and discover what it does and where it goes for several years until the battery expires. Go on an underwater adventure with your own tagged fish. Get a group of friends together and see where each other's fish goes and which swims fastest or farthest! Try and catch your fish for an extra special reward!
Benefits of Sponsorship:
- Prominent Publicity: As a sponsor, your name or organization will be prominently featured throughout the project. Every time the fish you sponsor is tracked, your name will be highlighted, offering incredible exposure and regonition.
- Exclusive Access to Data: You will have exclusive access to all the telemetry data gathered from all sponsored fish. This data will be available on a dedicated webpage and regularly updated as new information is collected, allowing you to follow your fish's journey and the project's progress as it unfolds.
-Visualization Tool: A cutting-edge tracking tool will allow you to vividly visualize the telemetry data collected. This tool offers a fascinating way to observe and understand the movements and behaviours of the fish you've sponsored.
-Additional Perks: You will receive a welcome package at the beginning of the study that includes a project t-shirrt and hat. Special awards will be given as fish reach project milestones.
By supporting this project you're actively contributing to the enhancement of the Lake Huron trout fishery. Your sponsorship plays a pivotal role in the conservation efforts vital for the sustainability of this cherished species, and is also an opportunity to be actively engaged in a cause you're passionate about.
Deadline for the first round of participation is February 1, 2024 for fish that will be tagged next spring (2024). For more information please contact us at
Each radio-transmitter costs us $250 to purchase. Smaller donations will be grouped together.
Please remember to leave your email address as a note so that you can be contacted with additional information.

Fish ID: Mike Kiss (code 4200), 4.5 pound wild male tagged April 1 2024
Data last collected: May 4 2024
Tracking method: 7 fixed receivers downloaded April 20 + aerial tracking