Bruce Power Sponsored Fish Spring 2024

Bruce A
Radiotag Code: 10
Floy Tag Code: 2498

Vital Statistics:
Sex: Male
Origin: Hatchery
Length (mm): 582
Weight (g): 1673
Girth (mm): 270
Condition: 0.849
Tagged: 3:22pm April 22

Detected downstream from Denny's Dam from 13:57 April 25 to 19:45 April 27 and at 17:57 May 3. Entered the downstream end of the fishway for 1min, 1min and 34mins April 26 and for 1min April 27
Bruce B
Radiotag Code: 11
Floy Tag Code: 2499

Vital Statistics:
Sex: Female
Origin: Hatchery
Length (mm): 644
Weight (g): 2693
Girth (mm): 320
Condition: 1.008
Tagged: 3:25pm April 22

Detected downstream from Denny's Dam from 09:18 to 16:38 April 28, at 22:42 May 1 and from 10:58 to 16:21 on May 3. Tracked moving to Southampton Harbour May 3
Radiotag Code: 12
Floy Tag Code: 3000

Vital Statistics:
Sex: Female
Origin: Hatchery
Length (mm): 645
Weight (g): 2863
Girth (mm): 340
Condition: 1.067
Tagged: 3:38pm April 22

Tracked -4.13rkm in Southampton Harbour at 21:06 April 23. Detected downstream of Denny's Dam from 04:33 April 24 to 14:42 April 29. Passed upstream of Denny's Dam April 26 in 17mins before falling back downstream same-day. Last tracked in Southampton Harbour at 04:55 May 6
Radiotag Code: 13
Floy Tag Code: 3001

Vital Statistics:
Sex: Female
Origin: Hatchery
Length (mm): 724
Weight (g): 3487
Girth (mm): 350
Condition: 0.919
Tagged: 3:42pm April 22

Detected downstream from Denny's Dam from 15:55 to 17:07 April 25. Tracked -4.13rkm in Southampton Harbour at 09:34 May 2