Fish Rescue and Salvage Operations
Biotactic regularly performs fish salvage operations, using boat or backpack electrofishing, as well as various types of netting, to capture, remove and relocate fish from areas prior to in-water construction activities. In 2019, staff rescued fish isolated from the Saugeen River within a disconnected fishway. This fishway was overprinted during the removal of the Truax Dam in Walkerton, Ontario with this area now made into a community park. In 2020, staff captured and relocated fish from the forebay of the historic Canadian Niagara Power Station in Niagara Falls, Ontario, prior to the area being dewatered for building refurbishment. We also regularly perform fish rescues prior to bridge construction, culvert replacement or dredging activities for a variety of clients.

Fish rescue operations, Truax Dam fishway, Saugeen River, Walkerton, Ontario

Fish rescue operations, Canadian Niagara Power Station, Niagara Falls, Ontario