1 2 3 Upstream from the Hoover Dam, border of Arizona and Nevada4 Hoover Dam, border of Arizona and Nevada5 Surgery on a razorback sucker6 Razorback sucker in recovery after surgery7 Surgery on a razorback sucker8 Surgery on a razorback sucker9 Razorback sucker transmitter implantation10 Measuring a razorback sucker with a sonic transmitter11 Releasing a razorback sucker12 Preparing a razorback sucker for surgery13 Surgery on razorback suckers14 Tagged razorback suckers stocked in Lake Mead15 Tracking razorback suckers in Lake Mead16 Ultrasonic tracking of razorback suckers with a hydrophone in Lake Mead17 Attaching a telemetry antenna to a plane for tracking18 Lake Mead near Meadview Arizona19 Tracking razorback suckers in Lake Mead at the Colorado River inflow20 Tracking razorback suckers in Lake Mead at the Colorado River inflow21 Preparing to track razorback suckers by plane over Lake Mead22 Tracking razorback suckers by plane23 Pearse Ferry Crossing, Colorado River, Arizona24 Radio-tracking over the Colorado River, Arizona25 Flying low over the Colorado River while tracking razorback suckers, Arizona26 Tracking razorback suckers by airplane over Lake Mead, Arizona27 Tracking razorback suckers by airplane over Lake Mead, Arizona28 Flying at 50 feet over Gregg Basin in Lake Mead, Arizona29 Flying low over Lake Mead - Gregg Basin, Arizona30 Gregg Basin in upper Lake Mead, Arizona31 Biotactic and Bio-West staff after low level radiotracking flight32 Gregg Basin in Lake Mead, Arizona33 Crab in Islamorada Florida34 Fishing for kingfish in Florida35 Hogfish from the Florida Keys36 Kingfish in Islamorada, Florida37 Kingfish in Islamorada, Florida38 Kingfish, Islamorada, Florida39 Ballyhoo (hemiramphidae), Florida40 Research cruise in the Florida Keys41 Snorkeling in Islamorada, Florida42 Moray eel, snorkeling in Islamorada, Florida43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Welland River Seining with the NPCA55 Lyons Creek Fish Seining at Rolling Meadows Golf Course56 External fish tag57 Species at risk stinkpot turtle 58 Draper's creek fish seining with the NPCA59 Crowded pre-dorsal scales on a bluntnose minnow60 Seining in a tributary of the Welland River with the NPCA61 Seining in a tributary of the Welland River with the NPCA62 Seining in a tributary of the Welland River with the NPCA63 Seining in a tributary of the Welland River with the NPCA64 Planning65 Female crayfish with eggs66 Seining in a tributary of the Welland River with the NPCA67 Ghost shrimp from the Welland River68 Seining in a tributary of the Welland River with the NPCA69